Zilogic is partnering with IISc on 5G testbed development
We are very happy to announce that Zilogic Systems is partnering with one of India’s leading institution of advanced education and research in the sciences and in engineering, IISc, Bengaluru, on the upcoming wireless technology, 5G.
Zilogic has signed an agreement with IISc, as a development partner to contribute and to support IISc in the 5G testbed development project undertaken across India.For more details about the 5G test bed project, visit: https://ece.iisc.ac.in/~5G-Testbed/
In terms of the 5G eco-system Zilogic’s focus would be on contributing to the Radio access network (https://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=2762) As part of this initiative Zilogic responsiblity would be in areas pertaining to platform enablement, design inference and recommending approproate tools for code analysis and debugging.
To know more about Zilogic’s embedded platform engineering capabilities please visit: http://www.zilogic.com/services.html#platform